Anadolu Efes brewery optimizes its harvest with GrainSense

Anadolu Efes Biracılık ve Malt Sanayii A.Ş. produces and markets beer and malt and non-alcoholic beverages in a wide geographical area comprising Turkey, Russia, the Commonwealth of Independent States (CIS), Europe, Central Asia and the Middle East. Anadolu Efes is a member of the Anadolu Group. Anadolu Group was founded in 1950 by the Özilhan and Yazıcı families. Exhibiting a rapid and sustainable growth since its inception, the Anadolu Group transformed into a holding company in 1969.
Commencing its operations in Turkey in 1969, Anadolu Efes has been the market leader since the 1980s. From the 1990s onwards the company expanded its operations overseas; this in itself can be considered as a turning point. Continuing its operations in order to ensure commercial sustainability in the global market, Anadolu Efes increased its strength in the foreign markets by entering into a strategic partnership with SABMiller. With the agreement signed in 2012, Anadolu Efes took over SABMiller's operations in Russia and Ukraine and became the second largest beer manufacturer in Russia. Anadolu Efes currently continues its operations as a global company, which exports three quarters of its production. In terms of sales volume, it is the 6th largest brewer in Europe, and the 11th largest in the world. Exporting products to over 70 countries, Anadolu Efes is one of the key players in the region with a total of 15 breweries, six malt production facilities and one hops processing facility across Turkey, Kazakhstan, Russia, Moldova, Georgia and Ukraine.
“We preferred the Grainsense device because the mobile application is easy to use in the field and can perform fast-accurate analysis.”
How did you find out about GrainSense?
We obtained information about the GrainSense device from the interviews with ABP company engineers, the product catalog and the ABP company website.
Why there was a need for such Analyzer?
We needed a device such as GrainSense to analyze barley samples taken from the field or farmers before harvesting and to determine the barley content map of different regions.
How did GrainSense help to improve your business?
It is very important for us to know the quality of malt barley, to evaluate it during the purchase period and to monitor it continuously. Identifying healthy and malt barley and knowing the properties of barley in the process of producing quality malts from this barley will increase the quality of the process.
The fact that the GrainSense device is a mobile device, its ease of use in the field or similar applications and its ability to perform fast analysis have been preferred.
How GrainSense improved your everyday activities? How did it make business decisions easier?
The fact that GrainSense is a light and portable device, and its fast analysis results have facilitated the process in our daily work.
Our data sharing has been accelerated due to the usage feature via mobile application.
GrainSense - Know your grain, grow your business
ABP, 2021