Stories from the field: USA

GrainSense is on a mission to provide farmers and stakeholder across the value chain insights into their grains. With our portable NIR analyzer, we provide instant quality data for grains and users can instantly view the protein, moisture, carbohydrate and oil contents. In 2020, GrainSense officially launched in the United States with a partnership with Kansas-based ElevateAg and our user base has been expanding across the states.
Increased profitability with collected data
ElevateAg is working together with the Harvest Report USA (Hale Broadcasting) to bring stories of US GrainSense users to the radio. This series of interviews is showing first hand the benefits of using the GrainSense Analyzer to grow their businesses. The more data that is collected on the field, at collection points and while harvesting has increased the profitability of farms and in this series of testimonials, users are talking about their own applications of technology in their day-today operations. One producer, Scott Scheimer, describes how GrainSense is being used at their elevator facility.
“We were able to have the individuals just quickly test within a few seconds, drop a few kernels in the GrainSense device, and see exactly where we were on protein levels by the truckload, and then we would just select our distributor as to which bin that would go into. It's quite quick and easy.”
Scheimer also describes the advantages of being able to check the data post harvest by tagging the fields from which each truckload was brought from. Scott Scheimer’s operation was also able to use the corn/maize calibration to segregate their corn harvest for the first time ever.
Know your grain, grow your business
Another producer described the GrainSense device across a test plot with 30 different varieties of grains. With the quality data from GrainSense, they were able to determine which variety would be best suited for their swine’s growth needs. The protein levels show which variety of corn could be converted directly into pounds and quicker grain in their livestock. Even for livestock farmers, the more they know their grain, the better suited they are to grow their business. Grain quality data allows farmers to finetune their rations fed to livestock, resulting in cost saving and great profitability.
The entire list of GrainSense stories and insights from our US users can be found in the link below. As the agricultural landscape of the United States changes, more data and information is key to helping these operations grow and flourish.
Listen to "GrainSense Analyzer" on Spreaker.