Finding the perfect food mix for pigs – GrainSense Analyzer saves from many troubles in animal feeding

Danish pig farmer Rasmus Dresen has been using the GrainSense Handheld Analyzer for couple of years now, to ensure the consistent and high-quality foodstuff he provides to his pigs. The Dresen farm, located in southern Denmark, runs a sow production of 1015 sows, selling piglets when they wight around 30 kilos. In addition, they also farm 320 hectares of land, growing wheat, barley, rapeseed and grass seeds.
At the moment, Mr. Dresen measures wheat, barley and rapeseed from his own fields with the GrainSense Analyzer, but also checks the quality of bought grains that is fed to the pigs.
“When there is moisture, there’s always problems if the moisture is high. There is fungus and such, and we can see the resulting symptoms in pigs in an instant. I don't want to get any problematic grains into my production. And that’s the best thing with using GrainSense,” Mr. Dresen explains.
Knowing the moisture and protein of the grain pig farmers can make the best mix for their pigs, so that the animals don’t get any kind of stomach problems.
At the moment Mr. Dresen is working with GrainSense in measuring soybeans to know its protein content. Using the exact right amount is not only great for the pigs, but also “money in farmer’s pocket”, as Mr. Dresen puts it.
But how did Dresen end up using the GrainSense Analyzer?
“I saw it in a magazine, I think, and then called Geoteam A/S, a GrainSense distributor in Denmark. We had a good conversation and they showed me how to use the analyzer. I was sold immediately,” Mr. Dresen explains.
He has found the analyzer easy to use and beneficial in multiple ways.
“It’s fast and precise. It also saves time, as I don’t need to drive around taking samples to labs or measuring facilities, but instead I know what’s inside each bin and silo at that specific moment. Also during the growth and harvest seasons we can take measurements in the morning and decide what is best done that day, as time is often scarce in these kind of decisions. And of course, being able to say no to bad quality batches is instantly saving us from many troubles,” Dresen tells us.
It's a pleasure to work with customers who are actively seeking for ways to improve their production and use the latest technological innovations to support their work. We wish Mr. Dresen a great season and success with his farm!
In GrainSense we are focused on delivering even more value to livestock farmers now when the feed market is going through challenging times. When the feed prices are skyrocketing, it is extremely important to instantly monitor the quality of ration components and invest only into better feeds. This is where we can support the sector with our solutions.
Olga Smirnova, Chief Business Development Officer at GrainSense